Posted on 7/22/2019
It’s the fourth of July, and it’s the perfect time to celebrate our country with family and friends, watching fireworks and enjoying delicious food. Now that you’re thinking about sparking fireworks - we want to remind you not to forget about your spark plugs! Your vehicle’s spark plugs are basically the part that sparks enough electricity to start your vehicle. Just like fireworks, spark plugs can handle a ton of heat and pressure. Your vehicle’s spark plugs are essential to the overall operation of your vehicle. Bad spark plugs can not only cause start up problems, but can also directly lead to engine problems. This includes an overall decrease in vehicle performance and a decrease is fuel efficiency. This is why it is important to have your spark plugs replaced based on manufacturer recommendations, or as needed. If it has been a while since your last spark plug replacement, or you notice a decrease in performance with your vehicle, give Downey Car Ca ... read more
Posted on 6/10/2019
Summer is here, and it’s time to start making sure that our vehicle’s are in their best shape to handle the heat. Driving long distances during the summer can certainly take a toll on our vehicles, which is why it is important to have your vehicle inspected and properly prepared for the season. At Downey Car Care Center, we can help you get your car ready for the summer, whether you will just be doing your regularly driving to and from work or you are planning an epic road trip. Here are some of the ways that you can get your vehicle ready for summer: Test that your A/C is working, and if it isn’t, bring it into our shop. We will make sure that your A/C is working again and clean air vents to ensure that the air quality in your vehicle is good. Don’t get stuck driving in the summer heat with no A/C! Bring your vehicle in for a cooling system inspection. The cooling system is what prevents your engine from overheating, and this system needs to be working prope ... read more
Posted on 5/30/2019
These warm spring and summer months are the perfect time of year to pack up the car and head out with your family and friends on a road trip. A road trip is a great way to spend time with loved ones and enjoy traveling and sightseeing along the way! If you’re planning an upcoming road trip, don’t neglect your vehicle. Your vehicle needs to get road trip ready, too! We often forget that our vehicles may not be in the best shape for a long drive, and the best way to avoid unwanted breakdowns and keep safe on the road is to ensure that your vehicle is road trip ready. Before heading off on your road trip, be sure to give Downey Car Care Center a call to schedule pre-road trip inspection. We will look at the following items in your vehicle that are essential to your safety and your vehicle’s reliability through the long haul! Our professionals will inspect: Brakes and Battery - Brakes are always important to your safety, and should be double-checked for any signs of f ... read more
Posted on 6/22/2018
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Posted on 2/26/2018

A radiator flush provides a number of benefits to your vehicle’s cooling system. It is a fairly inexpensive procedure that should be performed once a year or per your owner’s manual’s recommendations. Price’s vary from about $35.00 to over $100 so it is often worthwhile to shop around for the best deal. There is a significant difference between a flush and a simple draining of the radiator so make sure you are getting what you are paying for. Flush vs. Drain Flushing your system pushes 4 to 5 gallons of anti-freeze through the system which pushes or flushes out all of the old anti-freeze and any contaminants that have build up in your cooling system. A flush guarantees that all of the old anti-freeze is removed from the system. Draining the radiator on the other hand only removes about 50% of the total anti-freeze in the system and leaves the majority of contaminants that have built up. It ... read more
Posted on 1/31/2018

Though we may set out to keep a car forever, not everyone will have the persistence — and luck — of Irv Gordon, a man who holds the world record for having driven his 1966 Volvo P1800 for nearly 3 million miles. You can, however, greatly extend the life of your vehicle, while simultaneously reducing the possibility of mechanical mishaps. The following five items are basic and can apply to any vehicle. 1. Follow Your Vehicle’s Service Schedule: This may seem like a no-brainer, but there are still too many car owners out there who pay little or no attention to the vehicle maintenance schedule as laid out in the owner’s manual. “I follow the manufacturer’s maintenance schedule, not the dealer’s,” says Gordon. “They built the car, so they ought to ... read more
Posted on 1/17/2018
Simple tasks that can make your car last longer One of the reassuring qualities of contemporary cars is that they need much less-frequent service to keep them running well. Changing the spark plugs, breaker points, and condenser used to be a seasonal exercise, and body rust was accepted as a normal if unfortunate hazard of aging. Now many spark plugs can go 100,000 miles between changes. Electronic ignition has done away with the points and condenser. Chassis, suspensions, and even some transmissions are lubed for life. And factory rust-through warranties typically run six years or longer. What’s more, reliability has improved significantly. The result is that most late-model cars and trucks should be able to go 200,000 miles with regular upkeep. Here are a few simple, periodic checks and procedures you can do that will help you get there. Check the Engine Oil Do it regularly—monthly for a vehicle in good condition; more often if you notice an oil ... read more
Posted on 1/12/2018

Oil is the lifeblood of the engine in your vehicle. Without oil, your engine would burn up and seize in a matter of seconds. Oil lubricates your engine and fights against the two biggest enemies of any motor: friction and heat. Friction and heat produce wear. Wear will eventually destroy your engine. Friction and heat degrade oil over time. This is the reason the engine oil and filter need to be replaced regularly. Whether you drive an SUV, truck, or car your vehicle is likely the second biggest investment you will make in your lifetime. If you take good care of your vehicle, it could last 200,000 miles or more. The prices of new and used vehicles are rising every year. Caring for your vehicle should be among your top priorities. One of the most important and cost effective steps you can take to prolong the life of your vehicle is to change your engine oil and filter every 3,000 to 5,000 miles, or as often as recommended by your vehicle’s manufacturer. Inspecting the level and conditi ... read more
Posted on 12/14/2017

When your car’s “Check Engine” light comes on, it’s usually accompanied by a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach. The light could mean a costly problem, like a bad catalytic converter, or it could be something minor, like a loose gas cap. But in many cases, it means at minimum that you’ll be visiting the car dealer to locate the malfunction and get the light turned off. The Check Engine light — more formally known as the Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL) — is a signal from the car’s engine computer that something is wrong. The car dealer’s service department can diagnose the problem for about $75. But there’s a way to preview what the problem might be. Prior to 1996, carmakers had their own engine diagnostic systems, primarily to ensure their cars were compliant with Environmental Protection Agency pollution-control requirements. Starting with model-year 1996, automakers standardized their systems under a protocol calle ... read more
Posted on 12/6/2017

As we hit the roads during Winter cold snaps, of course it’s important to drive safe, but there are certain maintenance tips you can use, to make sure your car is the safest it can be. “Your battery, check your charge levels, if you feel the engine cranking when it’s cold out, it’s best to go and get your battery checked,” said Steve Lajiness, master technician at Premier Car Care Center. “Check your tires….use the penny trick of putting the penny in the tread. Do not attempt to open or close the window if it has a sheet of ice over it,” said Lajiness. For Edna Krueger, she’s already prepped her car for the Winter, but says its not enough to just worry about yourself, but those that may not be able to Winter prep their car on their own. “Looking in on elderly people around here, and see if th ... read more